Board Service Dread?

I wanted to share a posting I came across a few weeks ago that uses humor to remind us of what is sometimes the not-so-great reality of board service. If you follow nonprofit related tags on Twitter, you probably saw someone re-tweeting the link. It's an entertaining (and accurate) short narrative from a guy who is about to join the board of his daughter's school. Oh, and he's also the President and CEO of a nonprofit consulting business, who has served previously on six nonprofit boards.

It's called, Why People Hate Nonprofit Board ServiceCheck it out.

Although horror stories of nonprofit board service can be demotivating, my optimistic outlook is that the ideas being discussed on this blog can contribute to improving boards and the board service experience. Then again, I think those of us who are passionate about and drawn to nonprofit service keep returning, even after bad experiences. I don't know what that says about us!

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